AREVA receives the top award for corporate social responsibility at the 2005 "Institutional Relations Awards"

News brief

On Thursday, November 3, 2005, the Revue Parlementaire, the French political and economic monthly, and communications consultant Spin Partners, awarded the top prize for corporate social responsibility to AREVA on the occasion of the "Institutional Relations Awards". This annual award goes to major economic players who, through their institutional relations, meet the expectations of members of parliament.

Claire Isnard, Head of the Study Center for Corporate Social Responsibility (ORSE), presented the award to Christine Gallot, Senior Vice President, Institutional Relations and Yves Coupin, Senior Vice President, Sustainable Development and Continuous Progress, who accepted it on AREVA's behalf.

Based on the results of a survey involving both French and European members of parliament, the award is given in recognition of the group's social, economic and environmental strategy. It also supports the initiatives being adopted to encourage dialogue and consensus-building, particularly around our sites, which is one of the ten principles of action of our sustainable development policy.